Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sixth Posting

Reading about Industrialism was interesting. This time period was known to be "the most fundamental transformation of human life in the history of the world" according to Eric Hobsbawm. This is a very strong statement basically saying that this is one of the biggest changes in the world. The cotton industry is where it all started and continued to grow into the railroad boom. Then if you look at what we have today we could survive with out our technology and industries. The working conditions at this time were horrible. Men, women, and children were working in filth and horrid conditions. The worst part about this was that there living conditions were said for some, to be worse than their working conditions. There was several different writers that evolved during this time Dickens, Disraeli, Engels, Kemble, etc. All of these writers wrote very inspirational pieces.

This was another period in time that can be looked back on and the people should be praised. These people worked very hard and they didn't have too much to show for it. This is also another time that we as Americans can look at and once again be thankful for what we have and our rights as citizens. I don't think any of us can image what it was like to live in these conditions.

1 comment:

Jonathan.Glance said...


You start with some good reactions to the readings on Industrialism. You don't discuss any specific reading by the many authors you mention, though, or analyze any of them in any depth. Remember to focus your postings, and to "say more about less."