Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thirteenth Posting

Oscar Wilde is described as a funny guy I wish I could have met him I love funny people they can always put a smile on your face. Wilde was a busy guy he was a performer and a writer. I like his saying " I have put my talent into my works. I have put my genius into my life." After reading about him this seems to be very true. He became famous and rich because of his talent.

The poem "Impression du Matin" is very beautiful. I can visualize the picture in my head. The colors, the birds, the pale woman it is all there. I think it is kind of interesting that Wilde's good friend wanted to cause trouble over this poem. The poem was describing his painting not still his ideas. I would have thought that since they were such good friends they could have joined together with this work and maybe sold things in pairs. The picture and the poem. I just think that is odd that they lost friendship over this.

"The Importance of Being Earnest" is great. It still is funny now in this day and time. This play was know as one of the most hilarious in the English Language. Algernon in the play seem to be the funny start forward kind of guy with a sarcasm about him. I think that is really what makes the play good.


Jonathan.Glance said...


Glad you enjoyed Wilde--he still makes me laugh, even after reading him 20 times for this course. Good focus on his poem, but your comments would be much better if you had first quoted passages from that poem and then analyzed them more closely. You tend to rely on generalizations here (as in many of your previous postings).

Brenda Hawthorne said...

I agree that Wilde is still hilarious even today. He is undoubtedly my favorite of all the authors we have read. The more I read him, the more fascinating he becomes. Here's my favorite Wilde quote: "As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular."
Oscar Wilde