Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Twelfth Posting

John Stuart Mill seems to be a good guy. He definitely was a gentlemen. He accomplished a lot of things in his life time. He followed in the footsteps of his father who probably was a good man himself. Mill was an unoridinary man. He wanted the equal rights for women. He definitely gives his thoughts on society as a whole from his personal stand point and what he feels is right and wrong.

"The Subjection of Women" is a create writing I would have never expected a man to write this. He feels that society men and women should have equal rights. He shows this through his thoughts and opinions in this essay. I like how he compares slave owners and government men and the whole power that they have. I really thought that a point was made here. I can't believe that women were tried as slaves were. I still can't believe that there were a such thing as slaves in the first place. Things were horrible back then. He makes a point about women and their husbands and how they had to depend on everything from them. I love how times have changed it is awesome. Women actually can go out and make way more money than their husband and men are even being the stay at home dads.

I think that if it weren't for people like Mill in society that things would not be how they are today. I know that Mill even stated that there would eventually be change that it would just happen gradually. I now that times would change, but I worried if people like Mill hadn't taken a stand towards society would things still be horrible for women? Would there have not of been such a drastic change?

I really enjoyed Mill's he is a respectable guy in a sense and I thank him for standing up for women and their rights.


Jonathan.Glance said...


Some good questions and remarks about Mill and his views on the rights of women. The lack of any specific textual focus or quotations to support or illustrate your claims tends to weaken the effectiveness of this posting, though.

keeholl said...

I commend you on your opinions of Mill's writing. I can appreciate his boldness in writing on such issuses as, human inequality.

Gloria Fletcher said...

I really liked Mills and his works about equality. Thanks for another view.

Anonymous said...


I enjoyed your blog. I too applaud Mills for his work for women's rights and his "radical views"! It's weird to think that during his time his work for women's rights was so "out of the box" for most men to even think about.